Nikolić, D. (2023)
Where is the mind within the brain? Transient selection of subnetworks by metabotropic receptors and G protein-gated ion channels. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 103, 107820.
Bittner, R., Hahn, P., Hettwer, M., Raspor, E., Novak, C., Singer, W., Nikolić, D. … & Reif, A. (2021)
Behavioral and neurophysiological impact of genome-wide supported schizophrenia risk variants on working memory consolidation. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 53(Suppl. 1), S579-S580.
Journal Publications, Danko Nikolić
Lazar, A., Lewis, C., Fries, P., Singer, W., & Nikolic, D. (2021)
Visual exposure enhances stimulus encoding and persistence in primary cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(43), e2105276118.
O. F. Jurjut, M. Gheorghiu, W. Singer, D. Nikolić & R. C. Muresan (2019)
Hold your methods! How multineuronal firing ensembles can be studied using classical spike-train analysis techniques. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2019.00021.
Nikolić D. (2017)
Why deep neural nets cannot ever match biological intelligence and what to do about it?
International Journal of Automation and Computing: 1-10.
Kirschner A. and Nikolić D. (2017)
One-shot synesthesia. Translational Neuroscience. 8(1), 167-175.
Van Leeuwen T.M., Singer W. and Nikolić D. (2015)
The merit of synesthesia for consciousness research.
Front. Psychol. 6:1850. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01850
Nikolić, D. (2015)
Practopoiesis: Or how life fosters a mind.
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Volume 373, 21 May 2015, Pages 40–61.
Mroczko-Wąsowicz, A., D. Nikolić (2014)
Semantic mechanisms may be responsible for developing synesthesia.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:509. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00509
Priesemann V., M. Wibral, M. Valderrama, R. Pröpper, M. Le Van Quyen, T. Geisel, J. Triesch, D. Nikolić, M.H.J. Munk (2014)
Spike avalanches in vivo suggest a driven, slightly subcritical brain state.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8:108. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00108
Nikolić D., P. Fries, and W. Singer (2013)
Gamma oscillations: precise temporal coordination without a metronome.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17: 54-55. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2012.12.003
Folias, S.E., S. Yu, A. Snyder, D. Nikolić, and J.E. Rubin (2013)
Synchronisation hubs in the visual cortex may arise from strong rhythmic inhibition
during gamma oscillations.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 38(6): 2864–2883.
Haslinger, R., G. Pipa, L. Lewis, D. Nikolić, Z. Williams, and E. Brown (2013)
Encoding through patterns: regression tree based neuronal population models.
Neural Computation. doi: 10.1162/NECO_a_00464 Epub 2013 Apr 22.
Rothen N., D. Nikolić, U.M. Jürgens, A. Mroczko-Wąsowicz, J. Cock, and B. Meier (2013)
Psychophysiological evidence for the genuineness of swimming-style colour synaesthesia.
Consciousness and Cognition, 22(1):35-46.
Moca V.V., D. Nikolić, W. Singer, and R.C. Mureşan (2012)
Membrane resonance enables stable and robust gamma oscillations.
Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs293.
Nikolić D., R.C. Mureşan, W. Feng and W. Singer (2012)
Scaled correlation analysis: A better way to compute a cross-correlogram.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(5):742-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07987.x.
Jürgens U.M., Nikolić D. (2012)
Ideaesthesia: Conceptual processes assign similar colours to similar shapes.
Translational Neuroscience, 3(1): 22-27.
Yu S., H. Yang, H. Nakahara, G.S. Santos, D. Nikolić & D. Plenz (2011)
Higher–Order Interactions Characterized in Cortical Activity.
Journal of Neuroscience, 31(48): 17514-17526.
Havenith, M. N., S. Yu, J. Biederlack, N-H. Chen, W. Singer, D. Nikolić (2011)
Synchrony makes neurons fire in sequence – and stimulus properties determine who is ahead.
Journal of Neuroscience, 31(23): 8570-8584. Supp. Mat.
Nikolić, D., U.M. Jürgens, N. Rothen, B. Meier, A. Mroczko (2011)
Swimming-style synesthesia.
Cortex, 47(7):874-879.
Jurjuţ O.F., D. Nikolić, W. Singer, S. Yu, M. N. Havenith, R. C. Mureşan (2011)
Timescales of multineuronal activity patterns reflect temporal structure of visual stimuli.
PLoS ONE, 6(2): e16758. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016758
Wang, P. and D. Nikolić (2011)
An LCD monitor with sufficiently precise timing for research in vision.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5:85. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00085
Yu, S. and D. Nikolić (2011)
Quantum mechanics needs no consciousness.
Annalen der Physik, 523(11): 931–938.
Hahn, G., T. Petermann, M. N. Havenith, S. Yu, W. Singer, D. Plenz, D. Nikolić (2010)
Neuronal avalanches in spontaneous activity in vivo.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 104: 3312-3322. doi:10. 1152/jn.00953.2009
Nikolić, D. (2010)
The brain is a context machine.
Review of Psychology, 17: 33-38.
Paşca, S. P., W. Singer, D. Nikolić (2010)
Surround modulation of neuronal responses in V1 is as stable over time as responses to direct stimulation of receptive fields.
Cortex, 46(9): 1199-203.
Wang, P., M. N. Havenith, M. Best, C. Gruetzner, W. Singer, P. Uhlhaas, D. Nikolić (2010)
Time delays in the beta/gamma cycle operate on the level of individual neurons.
NeuroReport, 21: 746-750.
Feng, W., M. N. Havenith, P. Wang, W. Singer, D. Nikolić (2010)
Frequencies of gamma/beta oscillations are stably tuned to stimulus properties.
NeuroReport, 21: 680-684.
Nikolić, D.*, S. Häusler*, W. Singer and W. Maass (2009)
Distributed fading memory for stimulus properties in the primary visual cortex.
PLoS Biology 2009, 7: e1000260.
*contributed equally
Mroczko A., T. Metzinger, W. Singer, D. Nikolić (2009)
Immediate transfer of synesthesia to a novel inducer.
Journal of Vision, 9: 2521-2528.
Jurjut, O.F., D. Nikolić, G. Pipa, W. Singer, D. Metzler, R.C. Mureşan (2009)
A color-based visualization technique for multi-electrode spike trains.
Journal of Neurophysiology, 102: 3766-3778.
Uhlhaas, P.J., G. Pipa, B. Lima, L. Melloni, S. Neuenschwander, D. Nikolić and W. Singer (2009)
Neural synchrony in cortical networks: history, concept and current status.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3:17. doi:10.3389/neuro.07.017.2009
Havenith, M.N.*, A. Zemmar*, S. Yu, S.M. Baudrexel, W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2009)
Measuring sub-millisecond delays in spiking activity with millisecond time-bins.
Neuroscience Letters, 450: 296-300
*contributed equally
Uhlhaas, P.J., C. Haenschel, D. Nikolić and W. Singer (2008)
The role of oscillations and synchrony in cortical networks and their putative relevance for the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 34: 927-943
Nikolić, D., V.V. Moca, W. Singer and R.C. Mureşan (2008)
Properties of multivariate data investigated by fractal dimensionality.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 172(1):27-33
Pipa, G., D.W. Wheeler, W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2008)
NeuroXidence: A non-parametric test on Excess or Deficiency of Joint-Spike Events.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 25: 64-88
Mureşan R.C., O.F. Jurjuţ, V.V. Moca, W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2008)
The Oscillation Score: An Efficient Method for Estimating Oscillation Strength in Neuronal Activity. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99(3):1333-1353
Yu, S., D. Huang, W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2008)
A Small World of Neuronal Synchrony.
Cerebral Cortex, 18(12):2891-2901
Mayer, J., R. Bittner, D. Linden and D. Nikolić (2007)
Attentional demand influences strategies for encoding into visual working memory. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3(4), 429-448
Nikolić, D. and W. Singer (2007)
Creation of visual long-term memory.
Perception & Psychophysics, 69: 904-912
Fries, P., D. Nikolić and W. Singer (2007)
The gamma cycle
Trends in Neurosciences, 30(7):309-316
Nikolić, D., P. Lichti and W. Singer (2007)
Color-opponency in synesthetic experiences.
Psychological Science, 18(6):481-486.
Mayer J.S., R.A. Bittner, D. Nikolić, C. Bledowski, R. Goebel and D.E.J. Linden (2007)
Common neural substrates for visual working memory and attention.
Neuroimage 36(2): 441-53
Nikolić, D. (2007)
Non-parametric detection of temporal order across pairwise measurements of time delays.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 22 (1); 5-19
Biederlack, J., M. Castelo-Branco, S. Neuenschwander, D.W. Wheeler, W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2006)
Brightness induction: Rate enhancement and neuronal synchronization as complementary codes.
Neuron 52, 1073-1083
Schneider, G., M.N. Havenith and D. Nikolić (2006)
Spatio-temporal structure in large neuronal networks detected from cross correlation.
Neural Computation, 18(10):2387-2413
Schneider, G. and D. Nikolić (2006)
Detection and assessment of near-zero delays in neuronal spiking activity.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2005, 152(1-2):97-106
Nikolić, D. and S.D. Gronlund (2002)
A tandem random walk model of the SAT paradigm: Response times and accumulation of evidence.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 55, 263-288
Nikolić, D. (1999)
Results on chaotic dimensionality of hand movements support processing capacity definition by relational complexity.
Commentary on: Halford, G., Wilson, W. H. & Phillips, S.: Processing capacity defined by relational complexity: Implications for comparative, developmental, and cognitive psychology.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 21, 842-843
Durso, F.T., C.A. Hackworth, T.R. Truitt, J.M. Crutchfield, D. Nikolić and C.A. Manning (1998)
Situation Awareness as a Predictor of Performance for En Route Air Traffic Controllers.
Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 6, 1-20
Nikolić, D. (1998)
Filling in the explanatory gap or jumping over it. Commentaries on Cortical Activity and the Explanatory Gap by John G. Taylor.
Consciousness and Cognition, 7, 196-201
Other publications (conference proceedings, book chapters, popular texts)
Nikolić D. (2016)
Testing the theory of practopoiesis using closed loops. In: Closed Loop Neuroscience. Ed. Ahmed El Hady. Academic Press.
Nikolić D. (2016)
Ideasthesia and art.
In: Gsöllpointner, Katharina, et al. (eds.). 2016. Digital Synesthesia. A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter
Nikolić, D. (2015)
Machines that dream: A brief introduction into developing artificial general intelligence through AI-Kindergarten.: pdf-
Nikolić, D. (2015)
Super-intelligent AI: How it needs to be organized.
(a.k.a, Only T3-AI can reach human-level intelligence: A variety argument. arXiv)
Nikolić, D. (patent pending)
AI-Kindergarten: A method for developing biological-like artificial intelligence.
Nikolić, D. (2014)
Ideasthesia: How do ideas feel?
TED Ed Lessons Worth Sharing.
Animators: Spagnoletti, P. and Keller, C. from NenaTV
Script Editor: Alex Gendler
Nikolić, D. (2014)
Practopoiesis: How cybernetics of biology can help AI
Singularity Weblog
Jürgens, U.M. and D. Nikolić (2014)
Synaesthesia as an Ideasthesia – cognitive implications.
In: Synesthesia – Learning and Creativity. Edited by J. Sinha. Proceedings from the conference Synesthesia and Children. Learning and Creativity, Ulm, May 2012. Synaisthesis, Luxembourg.
Mroczko-Wasowicz, A. and D. Nikolić (2013)
Coloured alphabets in bi-lingual synaesthetes.
In: The Oxford Handbook of Synaesthesia: 165-180.
Nikolić, D. & K. Gansel (2012)
Der Kontext entscheidet.
Gehirn&Geist, 5/2012: 20-23.
Nikolić, D. & U. M. Jürgens (2011)
Sinfonie in Rot.
Gehirn&Geist, 6/2011: 58-63. (Versión en español
Buzsáki, G., Kreiter A., Lansner A., Lücke J., Martin K., Moghaddam B.,
Moser M-B., Nikolić D., Sejnowski T. (2010)
Coordination in Circuits.
In: Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind, edited by C.
von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips, and W. Singer. 2010. Strüngmann Forum
Report, vol. 5. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Nikolić, D. (2009)
Is synaesthesia actually ideaestesia? An inquiry into the nature of the phenomenon.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Synaesthesia, Science & Art, Granada, Spain, April 26-29, 2009
D. Nikolić (2009)
Model this! Seven empirical phenomena missing in the models of cortical oscillatory dynamics.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2009
Moca, V.V., D. Nikolić and R.C. Mureşan (2008)
Real and Modeled Spike Trains: Where Do They Meet?
In: V. Kurkova et al. (Eds.), 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN2008, vol. 5164 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 488 – 497
Mureşan, R.C., W. Singer and D. Nikolić (2008)
The InfoPhase Method or How to Read Neurons with Neurons.
In: V. Kurkova et al. (Eds.), 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN2008, vol. 5164 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 498– 507
Schneider, G. and D. Nikolić (2008)
A stochastic framework for the quantification of synchronous oscillation in neuronal networks.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2008, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 169-172
Nikolić, D.*, S. Häusler*, W. Singer and W. Maass (2007)
Temporal dynamics of information content carried by neurons in the primary visual cortex.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 19
*contributed equally
Nikolić, D. (2000)
A dual processing theory of brain and mind: Where is the limited processing capacity coming from?
In: Proceedings from the international conference on complex systems on Unifying themes in complex systems. pp. 385 – 395
Durso, F.T., C.A. Hackworth, T.R. Truitt, J.M. Crutchfield, D. Nikolić and C.A. Manning (1997)
Does a controller’s situation awareness predict performance?
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.
Durso, F.T., T.R. Truitt, C.A. Hackworth, J.M. Crutchfield, D. Nikolić, P.M. Moertl, D. Ohrt and C.A. Manning (1995)
Expertise and Chess: A pilot study comparing situation Awareness Methodologies.
In Garland, D. and Endsley, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Analysis and Measurement of Situation Awareness, pp. 295-303
Ph.D. Thesis (1999). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the distinction between automatic and controlled processes. University of Oklahoma, USA.
M.S. Thesis (1997). A Random Walk Model for the Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff Paradigm, University of Oklahoma, USA.
Diploma Thesis (1994). Subjective and objective time and the phenomenon of phase ordered alpha activity of the brain on estimation of short time intervals. University of Zagreb, Croatia.